News & Updates

Worcestershire County Association of Local Councils

World Book Night



Free books for your communities for World Book Night

The Reading Agency’s annual World Book Night celebrates reading for pleasure, encouraging conversation about books and for everyone to spend time reading. World Book Night covers the whole reading journey and is accessible for everyone, from less-confident readers to those who read regularly. It is a community celebration, bringing people together to share the joy of reading. A little reading can go a long way. It can connect us to others, spark curiosity, boost our self-esteem and support our mental health. Reading extensively and for pleasure can foster the development of stronger reading habits and increase literacy skills at a greater rate than through formal literacy lessons.

1 in 3 (31%) adults in England don’t regularly read for pleasure, yet it is widely acknowledged that it can provide health and wellbeing benefits such as:

  • Lower levels of stress
  • Increased empathy
  • Better sleep
  • Improved relationships with others
  • Reduced risk of dementia

Help create a nation of readers this World Book Night (23 April 2025). Worcestershire Libraries have secured an allocation of free books from The Reading Agency and are delighted to be working in partnership with CALC members to ensure these books reach into communities across Worcestershire. If you would like to inspire your residents to read more, and experience the wellbeing benefits of dedicating time to reading on World Book Night, please complete this form. You can request either 25 or 50 books to circulate to your residents, either through a local event or regular group activity, along with information on the benefits of library membership. The request form will close on 31st March and books will be allotted on a first come basis until all of the stock has been allocated. Worcestershire Libraries will contact you via the email address you provide in the form to confirm if you have been successful, and the box of books will be available for you to collect from your nearest local library in early April.

World Book Night - Expression of Interest Form websites

Parish Council Domains Helper Service: Guidance now available on GOV.UK 


Parish councils wishing to move over to a domain can now access guidance on the GOV.UK website.  It’s laid out in a step-by-step format, taking the reader all the way through the process, from getting council approval all the way through to choosing your Approved Registrar and what to do when you’re set up. 


Hosting the guidance on GOV.UK means that parish councils can access up-to-date information at any time. You don’t have to attend a virtual session with the Parish Council Domains Helper Service team unless you want or need to, even the contact list for the Approved Registrars can be found there.  It’s a one-stop-shop for everything domain. 


Any questions regarding the new GOV.UK guidance can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." data-outlook-id="f4c8ac34-0d73-451b-b023-7a9278f966c2">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

West Mercia Safer Communities Update

John Campion, the Police and Crime Commissioner for West Mercia, has finalised and published the West Mercia Safer Communities Plan, outlining his commitments for the next four years. ​

The plan focuses on four main priorities: cutting crime, policing with the community, supporting victims and witnesses, and maximizing resources and value for money.

Mr.Campion emphasizes the importance of partnership working and involving local partners and communities in identifying solutions to their concerns. ​ He looks forward to continuing collaboration to improve outcomes for the communities served.

The four main priorities of the Safer Communities Plan are:

  1. Cutting crime - targeting the concerns and crime types that matter most to communities, including anti-social behaviour. ​
  2. Policing with the community - ensuring visible and accessible policing to improve public confidence and satisfaction. ​
  3. Supporting victims and witnesses - ensuring victims feel supported throughout the criminal justice journey and are regularly updated, and bringing criminals to justice. ​
  4. Maximizing resources and value for money - identifying efficiencies and smarter ways of working without compromising on delivering a quality service. ​


    The details are in the links below 

West Mercia Safer Communities Plan.pdf

West Mercia Safer Communities Plan - Appendix.pdf


12 Days of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas Presents for Your Council

Our partners, Breakthrough Communications, are celebrating the Christmas season with "12 Days of Christmas Presents for Your Council." This free, festive series offers daily gifts to inspire and support your council’s communications and compliance efforts. Sign up now to unwrap your exclusive Christmas gifts and bring seasonal cheer to your council!

Sign up for free festive communications and compliance content at

Payscales 2024/25

The Local Government Association has informed us that the National Joint Council for Local Government Services (NJC) has reached an agreement on rates of pay applicable from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025. We encourage employers to implement this pay award as soon as possible.

Backpay for employees who have left employment since 1 April 2024. If an ex-employee requests it, we recommend that employers pay any monies due to that employee from 1 April 2024 to the employee’s last day of employment. The table below lists the new pay scales for clerks and other employees employed under the terms of the model contract, including SCPs 50 and above. These should be retrospectively applied from 1 April 2024. 

Hourly rates have been calculated using the NJC-agreed formula: annual salary divided by 52.143 weeks (which is 365 days divided by 7) divided by 37 hours (the standard working week).

Local government services pay agreement 2024-25 and 2023-24 v2 

PCC Police and Crime Plan Consultation .

Worcestershire CALC have been asked to share the opportunity for councils and their employees to get involved in Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion’s police and crime plan consultation.

Setting the blueprint for West Mercia Police over the next four years, the plan includes four main priorities:

  • Cutting crime
  • Policing with the community
  • Supporting victims and witnesses
  • Maximising resources and value for money

The consultation closes on Tuesday 8 October, with the link and the draft plan available here - Have your say - police and crime plan consultation - West Mercia Police Crime Commissioner (

Volunteering to Reduce Waste in Worcestershire

Volunteering to reduce waste in Worcestershire

Is your community interested in reducing waste, improving recycling, cutting food waste, and promoting composting, repair, re-use, upcycling and resource sharing? Let's Waste Less Worcestershire runs a volunteering scheme in partnership with Garden Organic: volunteers attend events and engage with their local communities, to help local people to reduce waste of all types. Volunteers are supported to learn as much as possible, by comprehensive training by experts as well as regular visits to waste and recycling facilities. There is a network of passionate and experienced volunteers, and there is the opportunity to make a real difference. Please do let us know if you have a waste champion in your community, who could volunteer to tackle this vital issue! Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information or to arrange a call. 

New Model Financial Regulations

The new model Financial Regulations have had an overhaul and are now available to members to download

NALC model financial regulations 2024

Crisis Communications training

Contact Chris or Caroline at Worcestershire CALC to Book Your Place Now
Clerks, Officers and Councillors who want to better understand how to prepare and respond to a crisis situation from a public communications and communityengagement standpoint.
Crisis Communications
Training for Local Councils
Wednesday 20th March
09:30 - 11:30 £30
Thursday 2nd May
13:00 - 15:00 £30
We never know when a crisis could strike. From local flooding to a council meeting
going viral there are many ways in which councils can find themselves in the eye of the
media storm.
This session takes participants through the detail of preparing for a crisis from a
communications standpoint, no matter what form it may take. Passing on expert tips
and guidance on being as prepared as you can be should the worst happen.
Tuesday 11th June
09:30 - 11:30 £30
These courses are two hours in length and are held on Zoom. They are facilitated by
Breakthrough Communications, who work in partnership with the Worcestershire
Association of Local Councils to provide communications and compliance training.
Details of upcoming dates for this course are below. You can also find out more and
book onto other courses at


Parish Council Domains


Parish Council Domains Helper Service


General questions about domains

1.  What is a domain?

A domain name is the digital asset that is used to identify organisations on the internet. All internet facing services require a domain to work. These include everything from websites through to email, document sharing and mapping services. For example, in the website address ‘’, and the email ‘This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.’, ‘’ is the domain name that makes the website and email work.

Need a simple way to explain a domain?  This infographic might help.

2. What is different about a domain?

A domain can only be owned by government bodies in the United Kingdom.  This means central and local government as well as the public sector. No other organisations are eligible to own and operate a domain.

Registration of domains is strictly controlled.  The Central Digital and Data Office (CDDO) assigns approved domain names on behalf of the Cabinet Office.

3. An important point about the purpose of other widely-used domain names

In general:

  • Designed to identify, and be used by, non-profit organisations, charities and community groups
  • Commonly used by commercial entities based in the UK
  • .com: Commonly used by entities that operate globally e.g.
  • Designed to identify, and by used by, educational establishments e.g.

A domain name helps everyone understand who you are and what you do.

Spot the imposter!  Watch out for websites ending e.g.  These are not official domains. There’s a big difference between a dot and a dash!

4. Why should parish councils own a domain?

It should be easy for anyone to identify government organisations on the internet.  Your community shouldn’t have to guess whether the site they’re on, or the email in their inbox, is genuine.  Use of a domain means that you are instantly recognisable as an official, authentic government organisation and your communications can be trusted. 

5. What are the benefits of owning a domain?

There are a number of benefits to owning a domain:

Trust and credibility: A domain conveys trust and authority, as it's exclusively used by government and public sector organisations at every level  in the UK. This exclusivity helps in building community, partner and peer confidence, which is crucial for a council's reputation.

Security and reliability: domains are renowned for their robust security measures, monitoring for potential security vulnerabilities, and  safeguarding sensitive and personal information. This aspect is particularly critical for councils to separate personal and professional data.

Professional image: A domain signifies a Parish Council's commitment to professionalism, enhancing the council's image and reflecting its seriousness in maintaining high standards.

Ease of recognition: A domain is easily recognisable and memorable to its community, suppliers, partners and peers. This recognition can improve the accessibility and usability of the council’s online services and information, making it more user-friendly for residents.

Trusted emails: Outgoing emails are more likely to be cleared by security filters and delivered successfully.  Recipients recognise them as coming from an official source and this means they are more likely to be read and responded to.  The content of your emails will be recognised as official government business.

Better controls: Councils can better control access to official papers and correspondence.  When clerks and councillors leave, information is not lost and email accounts can be easily re-allocated. 

Easier to respond to data requests: Council staff will not have to surrender private emails if, for example, a freedom of information request is received. 

Proactively monitored: A domain is monitored by the Domains Team at the CDDO. They make sure your domain is configured correctly, and any security vulnerabilities are quickly spotted.

Legal protection: As domains are based within UK jurisdiction they have better legal protection.

You’ll find a summary of these benefits in this infographic.

6. Why should council staff use a email address?


These are the reasons for using a email address:

Professional: A email address conveys a sense of professionalism and legitimacy.  The credibility of the sender, and their connection to the council, is clear, making communications immediately recognisable as trustworthy. 

Verification: A email address is issued based on stringent verification processes - only authorised individuals within the council will have one.  Other email addresses - such as Gmail, for example, are open to anyone. This increases the risk of individuals creating fake accounts for malicious purposes.  For example, anyone can open an account and send an email from  ‘’ whereas ‘ can only be owned by a legitimate member of staff.

Security: email systems are designed to adhere to strict security standards to protect government information.

Administration: Data Subject Access and Freedom of Information requests can be handled quickly and efficiently from a central point. Records of all communications are maintained and can be easily accessed for audit purposes.

Separation: By using a email, a councillor’s professional life is kept entirely separate from their personal life. Your community will understand clearly in what capacity you are contacting them.  Your individual privacy will not be infringed upon should a Data Subject Access or Freedom of Information request be received.

N.B. It’s important to note that users of any email system should always follow best practices for account security, such as setting up, and regularly updating, robust passwords, and enabling two-factor authentication.




About the Parish Council Domains Helper Service


1. What is the Parish Council Domains Helper Service?

The Parish Council Domains Helper Service has been set up by the Cabinet Office to help parish councils to own and operate a domain more easily.  Essentially, there are three aspects to the service:

  • A suite of practical advice, guidance and reference materials - taking councils through the process of registering, adopting and maintaining a domain
  • An enhanced level of support from domain registrars who understand the needs of parish councils
  • Help with costs - a one-off contribution towards a new domain

Guided workshops will be included in this initial phase of the service - for example, providing advice on how to choose a domain registrar that is right for a council.

2. Who is the Service for?

The Domains Helper Service is open to any parish council that:

  • Wants to move to a domain OR
  • Already has a domain and wants to use other associated services such as email or a website.

If any council is unsure about their eligibility they should email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for advice.

3. Is enhanced support available from all domain registrars?

No. There is a shortlist of domain registrars that have committed to providing an enhanced level of support.  This shortlist is provided to parish councils moving over to a domain as part of the Service.

4. What does enhanced support mean?

The shortlist of domain registrars have committed to:

  • Providing active support - taking the initiative to help both clerks and councillors; using non-technical language
  • Acting as ‘technical point of contact’ for the council’s domain
  • Helping to set up services such as websites, emails and document management, liaising with other suppliers when needed
  • Supporting device set-up - for example, help with setting up new email, migration and forwarding
  • Ensuring continuity of service.


5. How do councils access the Parish Council Domains Helper Service?

Councils interested in moving over to a domain can register their interest by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Worcestershire Local Nature Recovery Strategy: Briefing Note for Parish Councils

Worcestershire Local Nature Recovery Strategy: Briefing Note for Parish Councils

What is a Local Nature Recovery Strategy?
A Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) will be a spatial strategy for nature and environmental improvement. They are required by law under the Environment Act 2021 and 48 LNRS are now in preparation, to cover the whole of England.
LNRS will be a key part of delivering the targets in the Government’s Environmental Improvement Plan for England, by mapping where important habitats can be conserved, restored and connected in order to reverse habitat loss and declines in species. They will also seek to widen environmental benefits, such as flood mitigation and carbon sequestration, and increase access to nature.
Each LNRS will contain:
• A Statement of Biodiversity Priorities with agreed local priorities for nature’s recovery
• A Local Habitat Map showing the most valuable existing areas for nature and areas that could become of particular importance
• Specific proposals or actions (‘measures’) to deliver the agreed local priorities.
Further reading: UK State of Nature Report Worcestershire State of Nature Report Government’s Environmental Improvement Plan
Who is producing the LNRS? Worcestershire County Council is the Defra appointed ‘Responsible Authority’ for preparing the Worcestershire LNRS. The ‘Supporting Authorities’ for the LNRS preparation process are the six District Councils1 and Natural England.
The preparation and delivery of the LNRS will be locally led with support from Government. The Responsible Authority must work in collaboration with the Supporting Authorities, public, private and voluntary sectors to agree a single vision for nature recovery.
What role does the LNRS have in planning and parish-level project delivery? The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 directs that plan making, including neighbourhood development plans, local plans, minerals and waste plans and supplementary plans, must ‘take account of’ any LNRS that relates to the area. Government will provide separate guidance on how local authorities will be expected to comply with their duty to take account of LNRS through their planning functions.
Does the LNRS come with funding? The LNRS itself will not directly provide any funding. Delivery of the priorities and actions identified in the LNRS, and mapped on the Local Habitat Map, will be incentivised through the targeting of public and private finance including, but not limited to:
1 Bromsgrove District Council, Malvern Hills District Council, Redditch Borough Council, Worcester City Council, Wychavon District Council, Wyre Forest District Council
• The new Environmental Land Management schemes • Biodiversity Net Gain • Woodland Creation grants • Carbon Credits • Nature for Climate Peatland Restoration Grants • Species Survival Fund • Flood resilience funding including Natural Flood Management
The Local Habitat Map will increase the opportunity for funding applications for parish-level projects that deliver on measures and in areas that support nature’s recovery, as identified by ‘areas that could become of particular importance for biodiversity’.
When will the LNRS be adopted?
There is no statutory deadline for the publication of the LNRS, however Government hopes that they will be adopted by March 2025. The LNRS is then to be reviewed and republished every 3-10 years, as decided by the Secretary of State. The review and republication will be the same collaborative process with all key partners and stakeholders as was undertaken during its inception.
Preparation of the Worcestershire LNRS
You can check progress in preparing the Worcestershire LNRS by visiting the Worcestershire County Council LNRS webpage. LNRS preparation will involve two rounds of public consultation:
Issues and Options Consultation
This consultation will include a draft Local Habitat Map and will ask for stakeholder views on the potential opportunities for nature recovery that exist within Worcestershire. The consultation will run for 6 weeks from Monday 15th January to Friday 23rd February 2024. As statutory consultees Parish Councils will receive notification of the commencement of the consultation.
Draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy Consultation
This is anticipated in Autumn 2024.
Engaging with LNRS preparation
Parish Councils, local communities, landowners, managers, countryside users and local interest groups are all key stakeholders in LNRS preparation. Parish Councils can support the LNRS preparation process by communicating the contents of this briefing note to residents and highlighting the upcoming Issues and Options Consultation. Once live, the following consultation documents and resources will be available on the Worcestershire County Council LNRS webpage:
• Issues and Options Consultation Paper
• Issues and Options Questionnaire
• Draft Local Habitat Map
• Draft Local Habitat Map Questionnaire
If you would like to contact WCC about the LNRS please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
You can access further information and updates from Defra on LNRS via the Defra Local Nature Recovery Strategy webpage.
You can access further information and updates from Defra on Biodiversity Net Gain via the Defra Biodiversity Net Gain webpage.

FREE WEBINAR Worcestershire's Local Nature Recovery Strategy 

Worcestershire's Local Nature Recovery Strategy 

 Worcestershire's Local Nature Recovery Strategy

A new blueprint for nature recovery in Worcestershire

Worcestershire County Council has been appointed as the Responsible Authority for preparation of the county’s Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) in a new national initiative for delivery of Government’s Environmental Improvement Plan.

The LNRS will be the definitive spatial plan for nature’s recovery in Worcestershire. It will identify local priorities for restoring key habitats and conserving species, and corresponding measures to deliver those priorities.

Decisions about where and how to recover nature will be reached through consultation and in collaboration with a wide range of people, groups, and organisations across Worcestershire. We want everyone to have their say.

Join us for this webinar to see what it means for your council February 5th 2024 , 18.30 hrs .

Register here Worcestershire's Local Nature Recovery Strategy-Clerks and Councillors (

New Procurement Thresholds

16 January 2024
Procurement Thresholds
The thresholds for public procurement have changed from 1 January 2024
Public contracts, with an estimated value (including VAT, since 1 January 2022):
over £214,904 (previously £213,477) for goods or services, or
over £5,372,609 (previously £5,336,937) for public works (construction),
must comply with the full requirements of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (which will be replaced by the Procurement Act, when it takes effect later in 2024). These include specific tendering methods and timescales, as well as a requirement to advertise on both the Contracts Finder website and Find-a-Tender (the UK e-notification service).
Where a contract will run for several years, it is the total (not annual) value that matters.
Where the estimated total value (including VAT) is below these thresholds, but exceeds £30,000 (after 21 December 2022), a council is required to advertise the opportunity on Contracts Finder if they publish an open invitation to quote/tender. If they are inviting specific firms and not opening it up to wider competition, they don’t have to advertise the opportunity on Contracts Finder (Public Contracts Regulations 2015, Reg. 110(5)(b)).
However, a council must comply with its own Standing Orders and Financial Regulations and if those regulations require an open invitation and a formal tender process, the council should follow them. Tendering processes ensure fair competition, achieve value for money and avoid anti-competitive behaviour. They protect the council and taxpayers.
If a council simply chooses specific firms to invite, it must avoid allowing non-commercial considerations (defined in Part 2 of the Local Government Act 1988) to influence its decisions. If a council invites some suppliers and not others, it should record its reasons.
If the council genuinely believed the value would be under £30,000 but the tenders came in above that, the Regulations do not require it to go back and start again.
Regardless of whether the opportunity was advertised, Regulation 112 requires a council to publish the award of a contract over £30,000 on Contracts Finder within a reasonable timescale. There is no specified timescale for parishes, but we suggest within 3 months.
This bulletin is only intended as a brief guide and councils should ensure they follow the Regulations and guidance on, seeking professional advice if they are in any doubt. The Parkinson Partnership LLP accepts no liability for any loss arising from situations where councils have not followed the law and guidance.

Miscellaneous News For You

Holiday Pay Calculations

Chris Moses, Personnel Advice & Solutions, advises parish and town councils on the implications of new holiday regulations that come into effect from April 2024. Read the full article

Funding News

Inclusive Communities Fund - The Fund aims to strengthen the achievements, prompted by the Games, offering community organisations access to new funding to make a difference for the people they work with. The webinars and word documents of all application forms are now available on their website, please visit Free Resources - United by 2022 - Games Legacy  You may also wish to read through their existing support for applicants here.

Women and Girls Fund - There is a gender activity gap!  Women are less active than men at every stage of life and we must take intentional steps to create the safe spaces, places & ways to be active. The Think Active Women and Girls’ Fund is aimed at providing opportunities to enable women and girls to be active, to promote mental wellbeing and physical health, now and into later life. They are looking for projects that are keen to grow their existing provision for women and girls or want to introduce and build new opportunities. Grants of up to £5,000 available, for more information and to apply, please click here. Closing Date: 31 January 2024.

Community Ownership Fund – 19 Parish and Town Councils nationwide have again successfully secured around £4.5 million from the Community Ownership Funds.  The fund aims to support local people in saving, developing, or restoring local community assets, such as libraries, town and village halls, pubs, nature reserves, and garden projects. Round three of the fund launched in May 2023 and opened to Town and Parish Councils. The funding will be opened in four windows. The third window is open and will close on 31 January 2024. Find out how to apply

D-Day Landings Commemoration


This year the  D-Day 80 - 6th June 2024, will be celebrated throughout the UK, Channel Islands, Isle
of Man and UK Overseas Territories in Commemoration/Celebration of the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day
landings on the five Beaches in Normandy, France, which took place on 6th June 1944. This will enable your
Council and local community to use this occasion to pay ’tribute’ to the many, many thousands that
sacrificed so much in helping to secure the freedom we all enjoy today. With this in mind, here is a list which has been 
developed several ways in which your Council and community can take part in this special occasion.

(1) BEACON: Light a Beacon at 9.15pm on 6th June, as encouraged by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak (See
page 3) of the Guide To Taking Part which can be viewed and downloaded from the D-Day 80 website -

From the Guide (see pages 41 to 45), you will see there are several styles of Beacons that can be used for
this occasion, many of which you may have used for previous occasions, and those of you with the
permanent Beacon Braziers and gas fuelled Beacons produced for our late Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum
Jubilee, are urged to re-use these to save money. With regard to the Bonfire Beacons (see pages 41 and
42), these are ideal for country parks, village greens and our farms throughout the UK etc.

(2) LAMP LIGHT OF PEACE: We understand that there are areas of our local communities unable to
light Beacons for various reasons, so we have developed the Lamp Light of Peace (see page 39) providing a
simple and cost effective way of becoming and being part of this event by lighting it at 9.15pm on 6th June
next year, coinciding with the lighting of the Beacons that night, and once used for this occasion, they can be
re-lit at 11am on 11th November in ‘Remembrance’ for many years to come. (The flame in the Lamp, along
with the Beacons, will represent the ‘light of peace’ that emerged from the dreadful darkness of War). We
believe these are suitable for Care Homes, Hospitals, and Pubs etc, and have already had several taking
part. (See examples on the D-Day 80 website).

(3) RINGING OUT FOR PEACE: With the valuable assistance of the Central Council of Church Bell
Ringers (see website), we are encouraging every Cathedral and Church throughout the UK, Channel Islands
and the Isle of Man to ring their Bells at 6.30pm on 6th June, so we ask you to contact your local Churches
etc, inviting them to take part.

(4) All those taking part in the above will be sent the Certificate of Grateful Recognition, enabling them to
download, print and frame it as a permanent reminder of their involvement (see website). From the website
and Guide To Taking Part, you will see there are other elements taking place, making up this
Commemoration/Celebration event, with many taking part already as their personal tributes. Those taking
part in this event are being asked to go to page 52 in the Guide, outlining their involvement as requested,
to enable us to register their participation, and send them their Certificate.

We do hope that your Council will participate in one or more of the above, and look forward to hearing
from you in due course.
My warmest regards to you all,
Bruno Peek CVO OBE OPR
Pageantmaster, D-Day 80, 6th June 2024
Telephone: + 44 (0) 7737 262 913
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Free Home Improvements for Worcestershire Residents

We need your help! 

We are looking to get this information out to as many residents in Worcestershire as possible – through community centres and hubs, village halls and parish councils (any means possible) etc.

Helen Mehaffey

Project Manager HUG2

Economy and Infrastructure

Worcestershire County Council, County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP

Tel:  01905 845398 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     


Free home improvements now available to residents in Worcestershire.

Worcestershire County Council has received Government funding as part of the drive to save energy and make homes warmer.  Warmer homes can also improve well-being and help with certain health conditions.

The Home Upgrade Grant scheme (HUGs) is designed to tackle colder homes that do not have mains gas central heating.  Homeowners and tenants in Worcestershire could benefit from a variety of measures to help reduce energy bills including: internal and external wall insulation, loft and cavity wall insulation, air source heat pumps, solar panels, draught proofing and many more.

To qualify, households must not use mains gas to heat their home (but may have a supply for cooking, and have a gross annual income of less than £31,000 with a current Home Energy Performance certificate (EPC) rating of D to G.

Funding is also available for landlords in the charity and private rented sector.

Those who qualify for the scheme, will undergo a free technical survey to see which improvements would be most suitable and help improve energy efficiency the most.

Worcestershire County Council is working in partnership with local energy charity Act on Energy, along with Redditch Borough Council, Bromsgrove, Wychavon and Malvern Hills District Councils to deliver this programme. 

If you live in Worcester City or Wyre Forest District, visit your council’s website for information on the schemes operating in your area. 

If you think you might qualify or know of anyone that might benefit from this scheme it is easy to apply.  

For more information, including full eligibility, and to register your interest visit:     

Home Upgrade Grant Scheme (HUG2) | Worcestershire County Council  OR

 To speak to an energy advisor contact Act on Energy on their free advice line 0800 988 2881



Payscales 2023/24

The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has been notified by the Local Government Association (LGA) that it has come to an agreement on the 2023/24 pay offer with the unions representing local government employees

 E01-23 Pay Agreement 2023-24

Worcesterhire CALC Logo in white

Open 5 days a week

Monday- Thursday 9am – 5pm

Friday 9am – 4:30pm

Contact us