
Worcestershire County Association of Local Councils

Lengthsman Vacancy- Offenham Parish Council

Offenham Parish Council is seeking to appoint a Lengthsman.

The Parish Lengthsman is a self-employed person who can really make a difference to the community environment by undertaking tasks including maintaining roadside verges and drainage, rotate Vehicle Activated Signage between agreed locations and the cleaning of roadside signage together with some PROW minor maintenance. Basic training is available and will need to be completed prior to starting the role. 

This contract for services is reviewed on an annual basisHours to be negotiated but expected to be approximately 10 per month.  The current renumeration is £20 per hour.

Additional hours may be available for tasks not funded under the Lengthsman scheme.

Contact the Clerk by email:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Friday 9am – 4:30pm

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